Does the Law of Attraction really work? Yes! And you can Apply the Law of Attraction In Your Daily Life
When applying the Law of Attraction in your daily life, it is important to work on your attitude.
You must be completely convinced that the Law of Attraction works and truly believe that it will help you to achieve your goals and dreams. You need to come to a state of mind, where you stop questioning if it works and believe it works.
Below you will learn how to incorporate the Law of Attraction into your daily life in 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Set A Goal
Step 2: Love Yourself
Step 3: Live Your Dream Life
Let’s talk more about each step…
Step 1: Set A Goal
It all begins with the objective no matter the goal you have in mind.
A simple example: Perhaps you want more time in your day to complete more tasks so you set yourself a simple goal to get out of bed 30 minutes earlier each morning – The Law of Attraction can help you achieve this simple goal.
After you have set a clear goal you need to ask yourself 2 questions:
1. What do I want to attract?
2. What signals do I have to send out to attract what I want?
When setting your goal, take your time and don’t rush it.
After you have set your goal and you are completely clear that you want to achieve that goal, you then visualize your goal. Illustrate the upcoming change in your mind. Your brain will then automatically prepare you and your body for this change.
So using the example above: if you were getting out of bed at 06.30am every morning and you now want to get out of bed 30 minutes earlier (06.00am), visualize your alarm clock going off at 06.00am, visualize seeing “06.00am” appearing on your alarm clock and visualize yourself getting out of bed at 06.00am.
Also remember, you must not classify your goal as unrealistic or unattainable for you. There should be no doubt when you think about your goal. It must feel amazing and have a motivating and calming effect on you. Then and only then can you be sure that you have internalized your goal and you are ready for the change in your life.
It has proven to be good practice to imagine the goal with your 5 senses so you can try a little exercise help you to visualize your goal better, ask yourself the following questions:
1. How does it look?
2. What does it smell like?
3. How does it sound?
4. What does it taste like?
5. How does it feel?
Do not be demotivated if you cannot necessarily perceive your goal with all 5 senses, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your goal isn’t well defined.
For example: It can be difficult to realize the dream of a new house with your sense of taste, in this case, do not think of the house and how it might taste but think of having breakfast with your family in the new house and how that breakfast will taste.
It is also important that you do not focus solely on the goal itself, also think about how achieving that goal will affect your life, ask yourself these 2 questions:
1. What will happen with this change in my life?
2. What will the consequences be?
You have to let all these things go through your mind and think through them with peace before you can internalize your goal. A lot of people are afraid of uncertainty, that is why it is important that you take away the panic by thinking about the effects of the projected changes which will make your goal more tangible and strengthen the vision of it.
Prepare your body and mind for the change. Internalize and visualize your goal, since your mind does not distinguish between reality and imagination, it will prepare your body for the upcoming change and start sending positive signals into your environment.
Step 2: Love Yourself
Now that you have set yourself a clear goal, you have to believe in your goal in order for you to achieve it.
Phrases like: “Don’t be afraid” or “You deserve it”, unfortunately, does not help you at all, they actually have the opposite effect by manifesting fear and self-doubt in your mind which in turn sends out negative signals into your environment. It is difficult to completely free yourself from doubts and fear or the thought that you do not deserve something and that should not be the objective in this step.
Your objective should be to accept these thoughts and to confront and conquer them with love as this is the only way to send consistent positive signals into your environment. Otherwise, you will sink into an inner conflict which will also affect your surrounding environment (remember the bad day example – it’s all about your thoughts and feelings). You have to be in harmony with yourself to get a certain consistency in the signals you send into your environment – remember positive attracts positive.
When you love yourself, you open yourself up to your greatest wishes and desires and to new opportunities. You will start to only want the things that are best for You!
Now that you have set yourself a clear goal and learnt to love yourself, let’s now move on to learn how to eliminate your fear and doubt which will help you clear the path to achieve your goal.
The easiest way is to replace negative thoughts is with positive thoughts and that’s actually easier than it sounds.
For example: Say you have a pet who you love with all your heart and soul. When faced with negative thoughts, focus your thoughts on your pet and you will easily forget the negative thoughts that were creeping in and start to feel the love and happiness you feel for your pet.
When you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation that has a negative outcome for you, you always have a choice, so ask yourself:
1. Do you want to go the easy path and surrender to the negative thoughts?
2. Or do you want to become active?
At this point, you will certainly want to become active but you may be thinking “what does becoming active mean?”
If you surrender to the negative thoughts, you end up allowing yourself to be controlled by your environment, however, as you have already learned, our thoughts are the signals we send into our environment can be controlled.
Negative thoughts will get you nowhere. It consumes unnecessary energy that you could use on potential solutions to make uncomfortable situations a thing of the past.
For example: if you lose your purse or wallet, you get upset and tell all your friends and family about how you lost it – this is the direct path to negativity, however, when you choose to become active, you will notify the police, have your bank card blocked and try to remember how you lost it to prevent yourself from losing it again. The negative energy and excitement won’t get your wallet back.
You may ask what this has to do with the Law of Attraction?
Your attitude, feelings and thoughts (the signals you send into your environment) are taken up by your environment. As you have already learnt, the signals you send out are also returned to you in response.
Having a positive mindset, will open you to all the positive things in your environment.
If you still have problems adopting a positive mindset, you can try this simple exercise:
Think about how the Law of Attraction has been an integral part of your life in the past - this will help you open up to the Law of Attraction and show gratitude for it.
Take some time and reflect on a positive moment in your life and ask yourself these 4 questions:
1. How did you think at that time?
2. How did you feel at that time?
3. How did you act at that time?
4. What was the result of my action at that time?
Concentrate on that positive moment and then try to reconcile that moment with the simple rule of the Law of Attraction: Like attracts like.
This is a powerful technique to realize that the Law of Attraction is a universal law that has been an integral part of your life for many years now.
Step 3: Live Your Dream Life
This is the part where your dreams come true!!!
Now that you have set a clear goal, learnt to love yourself, eliminated your fear and self-doubt and have opened your mind to new opportunities, you will now focus on how you can visualize your goal and manifest it into your reality.
In this step, you will not only visualize your goal but you will also live it out as actively as possible, so what you’re doing is transitioning your objective from the world of imagination into your reality.
At first glance, this may seem stupid to you but this is one of the most important steps in mastering the Law of Attraction. Take action and act as if you already have what you want.
In this step it is extremely important to send the right signals into your environment.
Remember: Like attracts Like.
So you will focus on your goal in your mind which will send a clear message into your surrounding environment and you will show with full devotion that you really want it from deep inside your heart and soul. That’s the strongest signal you can send.
The Law of Attraction is a part of a mindset that should help you to motivate yourself and feel good overall and whilst in this mindset, you have to put in the simultaneous work that goes into achieving your goal.
Please also remember that it is uncertain how long it will take before you will see your first bit of results.
In some cases, results show up quicker and in other cases slower.
The key to success is patience, perseverance and hard work.
(Suggestion: Click here to read “How To Use The Law of Attraction)
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